A typical engagement includes four phases that create short-term results and long-term sustainability. Each phase is tracked with a metrically-driven scorecard to gauge improvement.
Engagements begin with an analysis of the organization’s strategic, quality and financial results for the past three years and projected performance for the next two years. Gaps and opportunities for improvement are identified.
Leadership Assessment will include Personal interviews conducted with the leader and key members of the leadership team. Multiple assessment tools are completed to provide an objective skill analysis. Input from the leader on their personal priorities for the engagement is a critical part of the assessment.
During Phase Three we offer support and professional guidance as clients translate identified strategies into action. By carefully articulating the immediate steps needed for short term results and long term sustainability, we assist leaders with the integration of new systems, structures, and measures that are necessary to change organizational culture and improve their triple bottom line performance.
We work closely with the leader to develop a strong alignment between the organization’s vision, mission, values and strategy. We provide direction on a preferred leadership style, change leadership skills, communication skills, and the senior team functionality and productivity needed to move the organization forward.
A critical and unique component of this phase is the focus on achieving balance between all four elements of the leader’s life: professional, personal, physical and spiritual.
Using the metrics developed early in the engagement, the final assessment tracks accomplishments against the strategic plan, customer and employee satisfaction, and the achievement of quality and financial goals. We also complete a second assessment of leadership skills to determine where improvement has occurred and where future efforts should focus. The final assessment assists in developing, if needed, a second phase of engagement with new areas of focus and priorities.